Her husband Joe has grown cold with a set schedule and she doesn't have many friends left from the old days. Shirley Valentine (Pauline Collins) is a bored housewife. Reviewed by SnoopyStyle 8 / 10 Pauline Collins winning Miss Collins is, as you might guess from the above, wonderful. If it also seems reminiscent of EDUCATING RITA, that's because Willy Russell wrote both plays, produced their transfers to the screen under the same director, Lewis Gilbert. Given the bareness of the actual stage production, there is a shift of tone, from fantasy to anomie, and the other characters are given little depth, Miss Collins seems to be the character she plays in this gender-switching variation on ZORBA THE GREEK.
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In her second movie role - she had played a stripper in an exploitation film in 1966 - Miss Collins recreates her Tony-winning role in the stage's one-hander. She enjoys Greek food, drinks retsina and has an affair with tavern owner Tom Conti. Her friend Alison Steadman wins a trip for two to Greece, takes Miss Collins along and abandons her to her own devices. Hill explodes when she gives him fish and chips that's Tuesday's meal. One day she gives husband Bernard Hill's Thursday steak to the hound of the snooty lady across the street she has been keeping it on a vegetarian diet. Pauline Collins is a 42-year-old Liverpudlian housewife who talks to the walls. Reviewed by boblipton 7 / 10 Falling In Love With Life

Do yourself a favor.take a trip there just like Shirley did! The place is gorgeous, the water the bluest I've ever seen and the food was simply amazing. Not surprisingly, the production staff who did this film also made "Educating Rita".a film with many of the same themes and about a middle-aged lady who decides to reinvent herself.īy the way, if you ever get to Mykanos (and nearby Delos), I cannot imagine anyone hating it in any way. The affair! Overall, an important film that really speaks to a problem seldom talked about in movies. I also wasn't thrilled with the message to have the affair.I say divorce the jerk and then have When you travel you do occasionally meet folks like this (I met a couple on cruises), but so many in one place being THAT awful? No.this is making a point with a sledgehammer! But while I have a reasonable complaint there, I really enjoyed everything else about the movie.so one scene didn't at all ruin it for me. In the scene, Shirley is enjoying a local Greek restaurant and it seems like ALL the British tourists are obnoxious and boorish pigs who seem to hate everything about Greece. One scene in particular was poorly done, as it lacked subtlety and was not written well. Now, this isn't to say I loved everything about the film. Perhaps the reason I liked it more is that I, too, am middle aged and appreciated her struggle.

As for Conti? Oddly, he plays a Greek man.but does it well. My heart really went out to Shirley and her plight. Now I am not complaining.even without him the film would have been lovely as well as wistful and sad. The main reason I saw this film is that I have really enjoyed watching Tom Conti in films and he co-stars in the movie.though you don't see him until rather late in the film.

However, her friend soon hooks up with a man.leaving Shirley completely on her own. Eventually, she gets fed up with her go nowhere life and takes up a friend's offer to go to the Greek island of Mykanos for a vacation away from the family. Her adult children are indifferent to her and her husband is no longer her lover but a total jerk who emotionally abuses and neglects her.

Shirley is a 40-something housewife who is in a funk. And, as you watch it, you can clearly see that the style is that of a play.with Shirley talking to the audience on occasion like you would much more likely see in a play. After its successful run, the studio did something odd.they actually had Collins (a relative unknown in films) to play the same role. "Shirley Valentine" was originally a play, which starred Pauline Collins in the title role. Reviewed by MartinHafer 8 / 10 "Why should I be afraid to be on my own.I'm an expert at it"